開心開心開心! =)

回來啦 我是禹哲 :D
Back! I'm Yuzhe :D

大家好啊 我是禹哲
Hello Everyone, I'm Yuzhe.

很抱歉讓大家久等啦 我回來囉
My apologies for making everyone wait for so long. I'm back.

I'm sorry for coming up to blog only now even though i've been back for a few days.

因為一回來之後幾乎一直忙著拍戲跟新書 沒有休息
Cuz immediately after i came back, i was busy with filming & with my new book. There ain't any breather.

所以也一直都沒時間上來跟大家 說說話
That's why I haven't got the time to log on & talk to everyone.

但今天還是想偷偷 先上來
But today, I thought of logging in for awhile.

是至少想先告訴大家 這次海外宣傳真的很開心
At least to tell everyone that I'm very happy during the overseas promotional trip.

第一次到星加坡馬來西亞 上海 北京 天津 也是第一次為了宣傳專輯而去
It's my first time to Singapore, Malaysia, Shanghai, Beijing, TianJin. And it's also the first time that i'm going to these places to promote my album.

但大家卻都給了我這麼多驚喜 這麼多人的支持
Everyone gave me lotsa surprises. Many people came to support me.

從第一站星加坡馬來西亞 大家就先讓我感受到你們的熱情
From the first stop - Singapore & Malaysia, i felt everyone's enthusiasm & passion.

I brought back with me the great warmth of feeling.

接著到內地 儘管天氣再冷 你們卻也都是給了我滿滿滿的熱情和溫度
Shortly after, I went to Mainland China. In spite of the cold weather, all of you had showered me with ardour.

你們也都送了我很多很多的禮物 你們放心 我一樣都沒有漏掉
All of you had given me lots of gifts. Please rest assured that i didn't left out any of them.

全部都帶回來 只是 .......... 還在慢慢整理 因為沒有時間 HEHEHEE..... :P
I had brought all of them back. Just that..... I'm still in the midst of sorting them out. Cuz i don't have the time to do so. HEHEHEE.... :p

但最重要的 是你們都讓我帶著很美好的第一次海外宣傳回憶回來
But most importantly, all thanks to all of you, I brought back beautiful memories of my first overseas promotional trip.

因為 每個歌手的第一次海外宣傳也就只有那麼一次 我卻可以得到著麼棒的記憶
That's because for each & every singer, the first overseas promotional trip only happens once & I actually had such wonderful memories.

Really love all those who supported me.

雖然這次海外活動有些美中不足的地方 有場地因素 溝通因素 時間因素
There are some glitches during the promotional trip - factors like location , communication & time.

讓部分歌迷不愉快 我感到很抱歉
A small portion of fans are unhappy & i felt apologetic.

但如果這些事情我能夠 控制 我一定不會讓他發生
But if i can control the situation, i will not let these happen.

下次在辦活動時 也會特別請公司注意 好嗎
I'll ask my company to take note the next time I have an event, alright?

而之後比較有時間呢 我再好好整理所有照片
And when i have the time, i'll sort all the photos,

放上來給大家看 OK
And upload for everyone to see, OK?

一早還要拍戲 我要趕緊睡一下下 晚 安 囉
There's filming early in the morning. I gotta go rest for awhile. Good night lo.

* 翻譯 by missyoopsiie ~
Translated by missyoopsiie

唉唷~ 我想禹哲應該太累了~ 竟然把新加坡寫成星加坡~ hehhehe. =)

PS: 若想複製這片翻譯過的文章, 請說明來源~ 因為我可是花不少時間來翻譯的哦~ 謝謝囉!
不過,若是禹哲本人想複製這片翻譯過的文章的話~就不用了! 哈哈! =p

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