
終於有活動可以跟大家見面囉 :D
Finally there are events whereby i can meet everyone! :D

大家好啊 我是禹哲 :D
Hello Everyone! I’m Yuzhe :D

Recently, I have been busy with filming.

Finally, there are events whereby I can meet everyone~

就在這個禮拜六 日 都有舉辦我的簽書會
I’ll be having autograph sessions for my book this coming Saturday & Sunday.

Other than signing,

Posters, as well as unseen photos from the book will be given out.

You can only get it at the event.

希望大家都可以來跟我一起度過這個週末 :D
Hope everyone will come & spend the weekend with me. :D

而過完周末 我將會在禮拜一前往香港
I’ll be going to Hong Kong on Monday.

Was invited to be one of the guests for Christmas countdown party.

這也是我第一次在海外過聖誕節 很特別
This is my first time celebrating Christmas overseas & it’s very special.

就獻給你們啦 記得要來跟我一起共襄盛舉喔
Shall dedicate to all of you. Remember to come & celebrate the fête with me.

除了我以外 活動還有小綜
Apart from me, Joe (Cheng) will also be at the event.

Hei Se Hui Mei Mei & I will be counting down to Christmas with everyone on the 24th night.

而在我的活動上呢 也會有一些特別的東西
As for my event, there will be something special.

例如首印握手會 是由我為了這個活動特地親筆設計很久的聖誕D圖騰
For example, I designed a Christmas D emblem specially for the impress & handshake event.

I will impress the emblem (& shake hands) for/with everyone at the event.

這個圖騰印只會在這場活動上有 很有紀念性喔
This emblem is for this event only & is of sentimental value.

很期待再見到大家 到時候見囉
Looking forward to meet everyone again. See you there!

* 翻譯 by missyoopsiie ~
Translated by missyoopsiie

PS: 若想複製這片翻譯過的文章, 請說明來源~ 因為我可是花不少時間來翻譯的哦~ 謝謝囉!

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