2008 Happy new year
2008 Happy new year

大家好啊 我是禹哲:D
Hello everyone. I’m Yuzhe :D

I hereby wish all of you Happy New Year!

不知不覺又過了一年 在這一年裡面呢
How time flies! One year had past. Within this year,

很謝謝大家對我的支持 陪著我ㄧ起成長
Thank you everyone for your support; growing together with me.

因為2007對我來說 真的是很特別的一年
To me, 2007 is really a very special year.

It’s also the year in which my development is the greatest.

在這一年裡 我不但從演員躍升為歌手
In the past year - from an actor, i became a singer.

I begin to bring my music to other parts of Asia.

更首次嘗試當作家 寫了電影書的劇本
I even attempted at being a writer, wrote the script for my movie book.

也在這一年裡 更加的認識了所有支持我的人
And in this year, i got to be acquainted with all those who support me.

Regardless of country

看著你們跟著我ㄧ起成長 看著很多人因為支持我而變成了好朋友
Seeing all of you grow up with me. Seeing many of those who supported me become good friends.

也會幫我照顧海外來的歌迷 不分國界
Helping me take care of overseas fans, regardless of frontiers.

I was deeply touched by this gesture.

希望在2008年 我們繼續一起成長
Hope that we’ll continue to grow together in 2008.

Let’s work hard together!

Happy new year
Happy new year

* 翻譯 by missyoopsiie ~
Translated by missyoopsiie

PS: 若想複製這片翻譯過的文章, 請說明來源~ 因為我可是花不少時間來翻譯的哦~ 謝謝囉!


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